UPDATE: I have the PVR-500 CentOS 6 setup info with pictures for mythtv 0.24 now.
Get the security related updates first:
rpm -ihv /home/pj/Downloads/centos-release-cr-6-0.el6.centos.i686.rpm yum update
Install both EPEL and RPMFORGE repositories and please remember to also install *AND* setup either priorities or protectbase yum plugins.
rpm -ihv http://dl.atrpms.net/all/atrpms-repo-6-4.el6.i686.rpm rpm -ihv http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm yum install yum-plugin-priorities
Do these error messages look familiar?
--> Processing Conflict: 1:qt47-x11-4.7.2-1_18.el6.i686 conflicts qt-x11 < 1:4.7.2-1_18.el6
--> Processing Conflict: 1:qt47-x11-4.7.2-1_18.el6.i686 conflicts qt4-x11 < 1:4.7.2-1_18.el6
--> Processing Conflict: 1:qt47-x11-4.7.2-1_18.el6.i686 conflicts phonon < 4.3.80-1
Error: qt47-x11 conflicts with qt-x11
file /usr/share/man/man3/XML::SAX::Base.3pm.gz conflicts between attempted installs of perl-XML-SAX-Base-1.04-3.el6.noarch and perl-XML-SAX-0.96-7.el6.noarch
file /usr/share/man/man3/XML::SAX::Exception.3pm.gz conflicts between attempted installs of perl-XML-SAX-Base-1.04-3.el6.noarch and perl-XML-SAX-0.96-7.el6.noarch
Clean out the older/problem bits:
yum remove qt-x11 qt phonon perl-XML-SAX-Base
Install the initial problem packages:
yum install qt47 qt47-x11 qt47-webkit qt47-mysql --enablerepo=atrpms-testing
The big download and install:
yum install mythtv --enablerepo=atrpms-testing --exclude=perl-XML-SAX-Base
Make sure mysqld and mythbackend on going to try and start on boot
chkconfig mythbackend on mysqld on
You really need to read through the mythtv-HOWTO or even Installing MythTV on RHEL/CentOS
I'm migrating from CentOS 5.7 -> 6.0 following normal backup and restore steps:
service mysqld start mysql < /usr/share/doc/mythtv-docs-0.24.1/database/mc.sql
A new simple no-security-just-get-it-running setup could include:
echo 'grant all on mythconverg.* to mythtv@"%" identified by "mythtv";' |mysql mythconverg echo 'flush privileges;'|mysql mythconverg mythtv-setupp
Again, you really need to read through the mythtv-HOWTO or even Installing MythTV on RHEL/CentOS for your specific tuner card.